More Health: My Health, My Life and MyFitnessPal

When I started this blog, I didn't want it to stagnant but it's come to that mainly because I haven't posted in awhile. I have two boys, ages 5 and 9, and I am 46 years old. I had my children later in life because I didn't get married until I was 35. My husband and I planned on having children as soon as we got married because we didn't know if there would be problems getting pregnant because of our ages. But we were able to get pregnant after a couple of miscarriages and now have two healthy boys.

Speaking of health, I've always been overweight. There I've said it. Ever since I was young, I've always favored being heavier than I should be I think. I'm not sure but it seems that way. I know for sure I've never been skinny and been able to fit into normal clothes. Sure I've tried to lose weight over the years but without much success. To be frank, I haven't really been trying and it's shown. I've gained a significant amount of weight over my lifetime.

A few of weeks ago, I went to see my doctor to check on my blood pressure and see if my medications were working. She also had me do several blood tests a week before that to check my cholesterol, glucose, etc. Because I hadn't changed my lifestyle at all like I should, my numbers were elevated in several areas. Thus, she had me take additional blood tests including one called A1C blood test.

The A1C blood test tests for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by averaging your blood sugar level over the last two or three months. I knew I was already pre-diabetic from a previous test done a couple of years earlier but ignored the warnings. Unfortunately my luck ran out, and the test indicated I was diabetic.

That word was a slap in my face. I was stunned but really wasn't surprised. I knew at some point my luck would run out and unfortunately instead of doing something about it before, I let it run out. So what was I going to do.

Unfortunately the nurse who called from the doctor's office with the results didn't offer much to say except to ask if I had any questions and that the doctor would discuss this with me at my next appointment. I really didn't know what to ask at this point, and my next appointment wasn't until a three weeks later.

After telling my husband who said that we would work on this together, I did what any normal person would do and educated myself through the Internet. My husband and I decided to use the app, MyFitnessPal, on our tablets to track our eating and lose some weight. He wanted to lose about 10lbs, and I decided I would lose weight in increments. My first increment is 35lbs. I learned some things about being a diabetic like making sure to eat the right amount of carbs so that I don't get a headache or feel faint, and to also make sure to eat every 2-4 hours. I am also learning to limit my caloric intake. The MyFitnessPal app has been great in helping me to keep track.

In addition, my follow up with my doctor went well, and I am writing this post about a week after I saw her. This is why I love some doctors more than others including my current doctor. She is practical and does not make a big deal about things. For example, a previous doctor I saw at another location was pretty harsh with me about my weight. Yes she had cause but c'mon now... I'm pretty sure the elephant in the room (my weight) had been addressed several times and berating me about it wasn't going to make me want to lose weight.

Going back to my diabetic discussion with my doctor... she was super pleased and surprised to learn I was already down 10lbs since the last time I had seen her. Thus this opened a discussion of trying diet and exercise to see if I can control my diabetes which is what I was hoping. But it wouldn't save me from at least testing my blood sugar a couple times a day. Sigh. I hate needles but have learned to get over my serious fear over the years. I knew this was important, so after getting a quick lesson from the nurse I was on my way.

For now, I will stop here and continue with another post about what I have learned, am learning and future lessons! Thanks for tagging along, and I promise to not be too stagnant here!

* Any products or links in this post are not sponsored. I have not received any compensation for mentioning them, and all opinions are my own.


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