
Showing posts from 2017

More Life: Getting Back On Track

It's been awhile since I've written anything here. I love to write but am not very good about keeping up with it. I have a few posts that I've been working on that I'd like to get up soon. One of them is about my weight-loss/health journey story. May not be interesting to anyone but me. The reason I'd like to get it up is to have a record of it somewhere. If I was cognizant, I would have kept better records of where I started and where I am today. There are a few things I do remember and things I currently do and other things. Those will be up in a post or two soon. Other posts I'd like to write are reviews of things I've been loving lately, food posts, healthy lifestyle posts, etc. I really do need to exercise my writing skills. Hope anyone who reads this is having a good summer. See y'all soon!